Dänische Mesiterschaft
Kerteminde 30. Juni - 1. Juli

danish news from event

Danish national championship settled

June 30th,2023
Four races on June 30th in medium shifty winds from the west, meaning only small waves.
On day one Graeme Wilcox was very fast with three wins and a second and a good lead by the end of the day.

July 1st, 2023
Four races on July 1st in stronger winds from south to southwest. Still shifty but now with rather confused choppy waves.
On day two Simon Mussell took over with three wins and a second.
On day two Graeme Wilcoxs results -though not winning a race- were sufficient to save Graeme victory in the regatta.
For the rest of the fleet the changing wind conditions resulted in quite some change on the scoreboard from day one to day two.
Top five in the regatta:

  1. Graeme Wilcox (GBR)

  2. Mark Bulka (AUS)
  3. Christoph Homeier (GER)
  4. Simon Mussell (GBR)
  5. Jesper Armbrust (DEN

Graeme Wilcox wins the regatta.
But Jesper Armbrust is danish champion as the rules for danish championships only allows  a member of a danish sailingclub to become danish champion.